“There is no guarantee that any mask will protect against infection, or transmission of viruses or diseases, and masks are not a substitute for all other precautions including, but not limited to, seeking professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment; social distancing; and, proper sanitisation of hands. While we have used the best information available to us, information is evolving on a regular basis and we make no specific claims, or provide any representations or warranties, whether express or implied regarding the effectiveness of the Envirus masks against Coronavirus or any other respiratory illness, or that the Envirus masks protect against or prevent infection or the transmission of viruses or diseases.

Notwithstanding the generality of the above disclaimer, please note that while the fabrics used in creating the Envirus masks have been tested separately and themselves have various characteristics that may be beneficial to protect against infection, or transmission of viruses or diseases, we have not at this stage completed testing of the Envirus masks as a completed product. We therefore make no claims or provide any representations or warranties, whether express or implied regarding any specific approvals for medical or other applications.